Efficiency NikoNiko System

1. Introduction

Are you tired of paperwork and complicated workflows?

Wouldn't it be easier if you could register over time, paid holidays, temporary leave from your mobile devices?

NikoNiko is a solution to resolve these problems. This system allows you to check-in and checkout from anywhere, as well as manage the company’s operations such as overtime, holidays, and temporary leave effectively. It is an ideal for those looking to introduce a hybrid system combining remote and in-office work.

2. What is the NikoNiko system?

NikoNiko system is a system that allows the company to manage the general company information such as organization, overtime, temporary leave as well as basic information that the company needs to manage. Moreover,  this system also allows the staffs for attendance (check-in and checkout) anywhere without geographical and devices when they can check attendance using both website and mobile app, and measure / evaluate the staff’s emotion. It is very convenient for the company in hybrid or remote working mode, then the company may manage their staffs effectively. Besides that, evaluating staff’s emotions is to help the company understand how the staffs going on, satisfaction or not in their work. This lets the company make the decision when there are any staff who are not satisfied during working, then they can adjust and find the solutions to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the best feature in the system is to allow your staff to check attendance (check-in / checkout) using their face by recognizing them using  AI (Artificial Intelligence). This feature’s accuracy is very high up to 99.99%. Therefore, it is useful for your company to allow your staff to check attendance without touching or using a staff card. You just need to install our app into your Tablet or iPad, and put it in the place where their staff can check attendance. This helps your company not only manage the attendance effectively and easily, but also allow the staff to speed up their attendance without touching anything.

Additionally, your HR administrators or accountants can download the attendance report within date range quickly by using our system. This helps your company collect the attendance information in real-time and calculate the staff’s salary effectively.

Moreover, once the staff check attendance (check-in / checkout), our system also captures your staffs’ mood such as happiness, sadness, neutral, surprise as well as anger using AI (Artificial Intelligence). This helps your company understand how your staff are satisfied in their work, and find the solutions to motivate or resolve the issues related to the staffs’ satisfaction.

Not at all, managers can view the staffs’ satisfaction every day / every month. This can help them to understand that company’s overall is okay or not in their operations.

To sum up, it is easy and convenient to manage the company’s operations as well as staffs’ mood.

3. Why NikoNiko?

Record and manage staff's mood by checking emotional scores.

Templates ensure that all staff information can be imported easily. Thereafter, staff login information is set up automatically.

Set up general information, User roles and departments, organization layer and reporting lines as well as working days and times at no additional cost.

Easy management of staff info, flexibly adding and editing information or disabling/deleting accounts when necessary.

Administrators can accept or reject staff requests for overtime or holidays.

Including staff database, attendance report, overtime details, emotional score.

Keep your team up to date with manager and admin announcements.

Build a collaborative internal knowledge base at your company as a form of internal SNS.

Ex. Sharing working rules, knowledge, onboarding information, etc.

Customize to make it your own system, tackle issues that are relevant to you.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, it is an easy way to manage your company’s operations easily and effectively.

It will help the company transform physical working mode to hybrid mode, which is a necessity after a pandemic in order to save the cost for the company.

If you are interested in this system, contact us to explore how "NikoNiko" can save costs and speed up your work process.

Besides that, another system "Performance Monitoring" is a system which can be integrated with the "NikoNiko" system.

For "Performance Monitoring" system: you can refer the following link.

[1] https://www.vitalify.asia/Article/VFATech#h.4xg1os5f65v5

We are a software development company based in Vietnam.

We offer DevOps development remotely to support the growth of your business.

If there is anything we can help with, please feel free to consult us.